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Hiker lost on Fir Mountain (Sept 14)

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Hiker lost on Fir Mountain (Sept 14)

Unread post by dave »

Town of Denning in Ulster County

Wilderness Search:
On Sept. 14 at 10:20 p.m., Ray Brook Dispatch was contacted about an overdue hiker who had been dropped off at the Biscuit Brook trailhead at 7:30 a.m. The reporting party indicated the 83-year-old from Shandaken met other hikers at the trailhead and had advised she would get a ride home when she was finished. At 12:55 a.m., Forest Ranger Franceschina and local police checked the hiker's residence and confirmed she had not returned home. Rangers Franceschina and Stratton began linear searches over Big Indian and Fir mountains, where the subject was scheduled to hike. At 1:30 a.m., NYSP received coordinates from the subject's phone on Fir Mountain, but when Rangers arrived at the location, she was not there. At daybreak, five additional Rangers and Catskill Mountain Search and Rescue joined the search. At 10 a.m., the lost hiker sought assistance from a resident on Frost Valley Road. The homeowner called 911 to report the missing subject was lost and at the residence seeking assistance. Lieutenant Slade and Ranger Stratton interviewed and evaluated the subject, who was in good health. At 12:30 p.m., Shandaken Police drove her home.
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