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Co-founder of this site passed away May 12, 2024

Report or discuss current events in the Catskill Mountains.
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Co-founder of this site passed away May 12, 2024

Unread post by dave »

We are heartbroken to announce that we lost one of the two co-founders of this web site on May 12, 2024. She spent countless hours hiking or working to help visitors coming to the Catskill Mountains to enjoy the beauty of these great mountains. She will be missed by all that encountered her on her many visits to the Catskill Mountains.

She worked for Standard Products in Schnectady, NY as an accountant for 15 years. Then worked for Albany Law School for 15 years as controller and then CFO. Later she worked at the Children's Annex for a number of years. Additionally, she owned and worked as President of Catskill Supply, Inc for 20 years. She was also a co-founder of Catskill Mountaineer.

Most of her friends described her as intelligent, sweet, kind, and fun. Alexis loved to read, and was known to read multiple books a week. She also loved to travel and hiked in the Catskill Mountain, Adirondack Mountains, Florida, Colorado, California, Montana, Oregon, and Canada. She loved all animals, and often helped those in need.

NOTE: This site will continue to be available, and new updates will continue as they have in the past.


Panther Mountain

Blackhead Mountain

In the Adirondack Mountains at a family home

On the climbers path at Logan Pass of Glacier National Park

Hiking in the Jewel Basin in NW Montana

Hiking Slide Mountain via the Curtis Ormsbee Trail
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