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Hiker injured on Kaaterskill Rail Trail

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Hiker injured on Kaaterskill Rail Trail

Unread post by dave »

Town of Hunter in Greene County

Wilderness Rescue:
On Aug. 6 at 4:14 p.m., Forest Ranger Gullen responded to a report of an injured hiker on the rail trail in the Kaaterskill Wild Forest. The hiker had tripped on a root and suffered scrapes and bruises to her head and shoulder. While Ranger Gullen responded on foot, Assistant Forest Ranger (AFR) Staffa retrieved a UTV. Ranger Gullen reached the 70-year-old from Kingston in less than an hour, splinted both of her wrists, and treated a dislocated finger. AFR Staffa arrived with the UTV and drove the patient to the Laurel House trailhead where she was turned over to Hunter Ambulance for transport to the hospital. Resources were clear at 5:25 p.m.
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