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Balsam/Eagle, 2014-05-03

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 1:47 pm
by kennykb
I went up to Balsam and Eagle on Saturday. I went up to the ridge on the Mine Hollow trail and down on the Oliverea-Mapledale trail.

I wrote a trip report that's way too long. I always wind up telling some story or other when I write these up.

There were just a few sprinkles of rain. I put on my rain jacket twice and decided both times that I was wetter with it than without it.

I got good GPS tracks of the trail relocations, if anyone is interested. At this point, the trail alignments that the DEC map shows on Balsam bear only the most tenuous relation with reality. My photo set also has pictures of where each of the trails leaves the old road, in case anyone wants to update the descriptions of Balsam and Eagle on the site. Feel free to lift the pictures.

Map of the hike by ke9tv, on Flickr

Streams were pretty high. This was Rider Hollow up near the ridge, with water just flowing down the trail. (This is the trail, not the brook.)

Sometimes, the trail just is a stream by ke9tv, on Flickr

I got wet feet at the crossing by the lean-to. Just couldn't find a path across that didn't have at least one rock submerged more than boot deep. I didn't get a good picture there. This is one of the stream crossings farther up, that I was able to rock hop.

Stream crossing by ke9tv, on Flickr

The wildflowers were near their peak. Lots of Claytonia, Viola, and Erythronium. There were a ton of trilliums, but none of the buds are open yet. Probably next week!

Spring Beauties by ke9tv, on Flickr

Yellow violet by ke9tv, on Flickr

Trout lilies by ke9tv, on Flickr

Trillium by ke9tv, on Flickr

The place has some awesome stands of old-growth hemlocks. And, praise be, I didn't see any sign of the woolly adelgid in them!

Hemlocks! by ke9tv, on Flickr

The view from Balsam is breathtaking even in the rain. I met a party of five at the overlook, with one guy who was just finishing the 35.

Balsam Mountain view by ke9tv, on Flickr

Eagle, of course, is nothing to write home about, although I grabbed a selfie to show I'd been there.

Eagle Mountain summit by ke9tv, on Flickr