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Countryman Kill Falls from Winter Clove Inn

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:21 pm
by mike
Last Saturday we planned on hiking to Huckleberry Point. But, before we headed up the road, we wanted to visit Plattekill Falls. We had receivede 6-to-7.5 inches of rain during the week. When we got down to Plattekill Falls, it was flowing quite well. That was when I discovered that I forgot my memory card in my camera.

Okay...time for Plan B. We headed back and picked up another camera. Now it was getting late, so we decided on hiking from Winter Clove Inn to Countryman Kill Falls. It is an easy 1-3/4 mile hike from the Inn to Countryman Kill Creek.

We stopped and took some pictures of the waterfalls, and then headed back.

Here are some pictures:

Bridge over Artist Falls - Several hundred feet from Winter Clove Inn

Bridge over Artist Falls - Several hundred feet from Winter Clove Inn

Bridge over Artist Falls - Several hundred feet from Winter Clove Inn

Trail near the waterfalls - entering old settlement

Old settlement near waterfall #3

Trail that runs along waterfalls - trail to the right takes you down to waterfall #2

Beautiful trail that runs along the Countryman Kill Creek - About 50-100 above the five waterfalls

Countryman Kill Falls #1

Countryman Kill Falls #1

Countryman Kill Falls #2

Countryman Kill Falls #2

Countryman Kill Falls #2

Countryman Kill Falls #3

Countryman Kill Falls #3

Countryman Kill Falls #3

Countryman Kill Falls #4

Countryman Kill Falls #4

Countryman Kill Falls #5

Countryman Kill Falls #5

It should be noted that CK Falls #4 and #5 are connected. There is also another 10' cascade below #5.

Re: Countryman Kill Falls from Winter Clove Inn

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:25 am
by rkugel

Were these shots taken with your new Canon? They are gorgeous!!


Re: Countryman Kill Falls from Winter Clove Inn

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 3:20 pm
by mike
No, Rich, it is my old Sony Cybershot DSLR camera. Only 8mp. But, a real lens. Handled color well, but like all Sony products, it has CA problems.

I was a little hurried because the day was getting old. If I had more time, I could get some much better shots.

I haven't received my new Canon T3i yet. Seems that the place where I bought it, didn't have it in stock. Even though the web site said it was in stock. Seems it is being shipped from California. It had "free" shipping. Before I was done, I paid another 40+ dollars for shipping. Maybe have it by tomorrow. If I wanted true "free" shipping it will take 2-3 weeks to receive. As you can tell, I am annoyed by this "camera shop".

I want to take you to these waterfalls. I think both of us can get better shots then these.

I am going to also buy some HDR software (Photomatrix Pro). I think it should help with the waterfalls.

Re: Countryman Kill Falls from Winter Clove Inn

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:42 pm
by Peakbagr
Wow, what gorgeous photos.

Re: Countryman Kill Falls from Winter Clove Inn

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:25 pm
by mike
These pictures don't do justice to this incredibly beautiful hike. These waterfalls are a couple hundred feet from the Stork Nest Road PA, but there is private property in the way. So, the easiest way is to hike in from Winter Clove Inn. From the 5 waterfalls you can hike up the old logging road to the base of Stoppel Point. Goes through some very beautiful conifers. Then you hike down to Little Stoppel Point. Another incredible area.

We need to do this hike sometime.