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Hiker Injured by falling ice at Kaaterskill Falls

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Hiker Injured by falling ice at Kaaterskill Falls

Unread post by dave »

Haines Falls in Greene County

Rescue: On January 11, 2025, a 29 year old female hiker was standing below Kaaterskill Falls, when ice broke free and hit her. She was seriously injured by the ice fall. Her companion called 911 and DEC emergency number. NY DEC Rangers responded to the call, and were on the bottom of the falls within 15 minutes. DEC Rangers were able to transport her to the Laurel House Parking Area above Kaaterskill Falls by a wheeled litter stretcher. From there she was transported to the hospital.

On January 10, 20025 a different hiker fell on the Southern Escarpment and sustained minor injuries. It was reported that there was significant ice flows through out the region around Kaaterskill Falls. It was also reported that due to the cooler temperatures, Hillsound microspikes were considered the minimum protection. Mid-sized crampons were recommended for some steeper ice flow.

For those who visit Kaaterskill Falls in the Winter, they need proper foot protections, such as, Hillsound Microspikes or crampons. If they are in locations of hanging ice, a helmet is recommended. The steps down to the bottom of Kaaterskill Falls can sometimes get ice flows, and be fairly treacherous. Serious accidents have happen on the steps.
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