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Rattlesnakes in Jewett NY?

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Rattlesnakes in Jewett NY?

Unread post by penmarkpit44 »

Are there rattlesnakes in Jewett NY because I believe I saw one.
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Re: Rattlesnakes in Jewett NY?

Unread post by dave »

I don't think there has ever been a report of them in Jewett NY. But, there is a new den on Plateau Mtn. The maximum range is 4.5 miles diameter out from the den. So, the maximum distance is the ball field on Rt 214/Rt 23a. They will not cross asphalt roads. So, they generally become isolated to a region. To have a habitat viable for them, there must be lots of mice, voles, and chipmunks.

Timber Rattlesnakes are usually 3-1/2' long and are as thick as a man's arm. They have a triangluar head and rattles on their tail. They are quite big. You can mistake a Black Rat snake for a black morph rattlesnake. One big difference is that a black rat snake is longer and slightly thinner.

I think it would be highly unlikely that there is one on Jewett. But, it is always possible. Do you have a picture, or more of a description?
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Re: Rattlesnakes in Jewett NY?

Unread post by mike »

Black rat snakes are much more aggressive. Rattlesnakes just want to be left alone. They only strike if you get too close or step on them. If you do get bit, it is a very significant health event.

It seems unlikely that there would be a rattlesnake in Jewett. Some snake collectors have been dumping rattlesnakes, so you just never know. There is also some controversy because the DEC setup new regulations where they do not have to tell the public if they are reintroducing species. This would include mountain lions and rattlesnakes. I don't agree with the regulations, but this is what they have done. I have noticed that rodents have been recently reintroduced throughout the Catskills. Rodents are needed for owls and rattlesnakes to exist. I can't imagine why the DEC would reintroduce rattlesnakes in other parts of the Catskills. But, I was also surprised at the reintroduction of rattlesnakes to Silver Hollow. Several hikers ran into them around Plateau Mtn and Silver Hollow last year.

You can also check out the snake page on this site: http://www.catskillmountaineer.com/animals-snakes.html

If you do encounter them watch the head and the tail. If both are up, watch out. If it is rattling, then it is nervous, and may strike if you get too close.
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Re: Rattlesnakes in Jewett NY?

Unread post by DC1979 »

Neither rat snakes or rattlers are aggressive. I would say rat snakes even less so. The most aggressive snake in our area are black racers and maybe water snakes, and aggressive is a word I wouldn't even use for any of them. The real danger of copperheads and rattlesnakes is that they are not aggressive - they will lie still and stepping on them is a possibility and just about the only way you'll get bit.
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